Fees and Charges for the scholastic year 2024/2025

Fees and charges for the scholastic year 2024/2025
Enrolment Fee K-6(non refundable) € 850,00
School fees (including lunch service)
Kindergarten € 6.550,00
Transition € 6.800,00
Elementary School Classes 1- 6 € 8.200,00
Italian lessons for state exams(from Class 2) € 1.200,00
5a Elementare Italian State Exam Fee € 100,00
Homework Programme 3:15pm- 4:14pm (Monday – Thursday)Only for Class 1 – 6 € 1100,00
School Bus Service (includes a VAT surcharge)
Both ways € 2.700,00
One way € 1.800,00



  • New children entering the school must pay the first school term fee instalment together with the enrolment fee. Enrolment fee and the first school term fee are not refundable.
  • A discount of 50% for 3rd child is available on transport fees for the Both Ways service.
  • A discount is granted, on school fees only, of Euro 240,00 per annum to 2nd children and of Euro 495,00 per annum to 3rd and subsequent children.
  • Fees are payable in 3 equal instalments on the first school day of the month of September, December and April.
  • Those who wish to pay by bank transfer may ask the school for the bank details.
  • Any balance overdue by more than 15 days from the date of the statement of account will be assessed a penalty charge of 1 % per month. If a student’s fees remain unpaid 30 days after the statement has been sent, the school reserves itself the right to suspend the student until full payment is made.
  • The enrolment and school fees must be paid net of any banking, transfer or other commissions and charges.
  • The re-registration fee is €450,00 for the following academic year.
  • The re-registration fee will be deducted from the first term’s fees only if paid before the given deadline and if all yearly fees have been settled by the end of May.